Wednesday, January 16, 2008

John Lennon glasses, Mandy!

Yesterday while I was home sick, my glasses jumped off of the computer table unaided, hit the soft rug here in the living room, and promptly broke in half. Well I didn't think they'd like me showing up to drive today, with no glasses (just a hunch) The eye doctor gave me a new pair. That's right I said gave. Well, they're wire rimmed. Stephanie says they look like John Lennon glasses. Mandy, going for the coveted "Jennifer Erin Koltoff" smartass of the year award, took one look and said, " So tell me Einstein, how'd ya come up with E=mc2?" I looked at her and said, "Just a hunch I had."


Jennee Kolthoff said...

tell Mandi to keep working...the year has just began there are many smartass comments to come.

Jason Roach said...

Where's the picture?