Tuesday, April 1, 2008


YAY!!! A picture of Steph- looking like a GODDESS! And good job posting it Jason (I know how hard it was since your inner critic was being... CRITICAL!). All is well here. Are the twins on this site or what? I'd like to see some posts from them. Here are some shots from Easter. Love & miss you all!!! Dad, hug the boys for me! And have fun. XXXOOO, Kath

P.S. Dad, the photo of Noah w/ the Army guy is the picture that he said, "This one's for Papa Roach"- good ole' GI Eric- haha!!! And the 2 of Josh & I on Easter Sunday- we look high (we're not, unfortunately- just sleep deprived- but that's how we look!!! haha).


Stu said...

You all look great! Tell Noah I liked his pic with the soldier! Ava is growing like a weed! And so cute. Love Dad

Jennee Kolthoff said...

You two do look like you are having a little to much fun! I can't believe how big the kids are getting. Ava looks just like you Kathie!