Sunday, March 9, 2008

30 day mourning period

I am in mourning. The MOST exciting Quarterback to have ever played the game is retiring. The NFL now stands for "No Fun League". My blanket will be upside down this year, commerating our loss...


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww... Boohoo. ;)-

Jennee Kolthoff said...

I think you should trade it in for a blue blanket with a C on it!!

Mandi said...

Now I know where I got the flu
it's from looking at that BLANKET
Thanks A Lot =)
ha ha
Bai Bai Farve

Mandi said...

Now I know where I got the flu
it's from looking at that BLANKET
Thanks A Lot =)
ha ha
Bai Bai Farve