Sunday, February 17, 2008

30 Weeks and Growing!

30 weeks. It's hard to believe that it's been that long, but the proof is in Steph's steadily increasing belly. Every day it seems she gets a little bigger, and Violet's activity is pretty much constant. Steph (obviously) feels it far more frequently than I do, but it's still a wonder to me every time I feel those little kicks. We had a Parenthood class last Saturday that taught me quite a few things about the process of birth and gave us a nice tour of the hospital. We're looking at about 10 more weeks before the big day, and even though that is not a long time, it sure feels like it. I'm so looking forward to seeing her tiny little face for the first time, I can hardly stand it.

I know I said I was going to take these shots every two weeks, but with the new job and other stuff things have been busy enough for me to forget. From here on out, we will be doing this every two weeks. Here's what Steph looked like a month ago in case you forgot....

1 comment:

Rich said...

Those 10 weeks will fly by. I can't wait till she comes out and we can all see her. I can't believe that Addison is 4 months old already!